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Calgary born and bred but of Polish decent, Nancy has been riding horses since she was a teenager. Through years of dedication and hard work Nancy built a strong and versatile riding school in the heart of Alberta, and in 2016 joined forces with Vicky to found SugarTide. Her solid equitation eye and training principles help set our riders apart, and she guides all our students through the hunter discipline with the same grace and poise she exhibits in the saddle. She is currently an Equestrian Canada Licensed NCCP Certified Competition Coach.

Originally from Johannesburg South Africa, Vicky has loved horses from a very young age. She holds a master's degree in Equine Science and has trained and qualified for nationally recognized riding instruction and certification in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Canada. As a young woman she was honoured to represent her country at national level showjumping competitions, and has a passion for horse care and instruction that is the life blood of SugarTide. She is currently an Equestrian Canada Licensed NCCP Certified Competition Coach.





Linda joined us as our barn manager in 2022 from one of our good friends Ridgeview Equestrian, and we couldn't be more grateful to have such a loving and experienced horse woman as the head of our staff. She is constantly making the barn more enjoyable and efficient for all, and has an impeccable eye for detail along with excellent bedside manner.


She is an avid showjumping competitor and enjoys bringing along young horses and horses that need a second chance. She and Vicky own the Phoenix program together reteaching Chuck Wagon horses to be riding horses.


She is undergoing her coach licensing and certification process and is currently a registered EC Coach.

Kristine is one of the most wonderfully talented and skilled horse women we have ever met, and we are awed and humbled to have her as part of the SugarTide team. Having competed to the upper levels of eventing she is armed with knowledge and experience in all three disciplines of showjumping, dressage and cross country.


Any horse she sits on emerges from that ride as a better citizen, and she gives wonderful technical lessons to all of our students. She also organizes clinics with fabulous instructors, and keeps everyone safe on the XC course.


She is currently an Equestrian Canada Licensed NCCP Certified Competition Coach.


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We are proud and honoured to be clients of the best large animal veterinary practise in Alberta - Moore and Co.


All of our medical, feeding, worming, dental, farriery, rehab, vaccination, and exercise protocols are developed hand in hand with Moore's excellent team of remarkable veterinarians.


While we love all the vets at Moore, we are particularly grateful that Dr.Katherine Macdonald, Dr. Shannon Lockhart, Dr Ashley Lamond and Dr. Jennifer Fowlie take primary care of our facility.


Without them our horses would not thrive as brilliantly, and we would not have the reputation for horse care that we do.

Since SugarTide's inception we have had the good fortune to have and retain the services of one of the most talented farriers in the business -  Chris Richter of CRS Horseshoeing.


While we, the horses, and our vets love the quality of Chris' work, he is also unparalleled in his knowledge of the foot and it's surrounding structures, his ability to explain and support his methods and ideas, and he has the most wonderful bedside manner.


Farrier days at the barn are always a joy, as after this many years we are more family than clients. We are so thankful to have him in ours and our horse's lives.


Our horses put their heart and souls into performing for us, both in the school program and on the show circuit, so we are beyond grateful that Tanja Minder of Wild Rose Equine Massage is here to replenish them regularly for us.


With detailed notes on each horse, exercises for clients to perform to help with their horses balance and muscle development, our animals have never felt better. She brings the best out of our animals and her wonderful energy replenishes the barn from top to bottom.


If you ever wonder if massage is worth it for your horse and whether they benefit from it mentally or physically, we invite you to come and watch Tanja at work, our horses do not hesitate to show her their appreciation.



We are incredibly lucky to call ourselves clients of the marvellous Hector for many years now.


One of the most sought out equine chiropractors in Alberta, his ability to ease the tension and move the vertebrae in horses spines is incredible to watch. He always finishes treatments with expertly applied acupuncture, and by the end of a session you can tangibly feel the difference in each horse, both on the ground and in the saddle.


His past as a veterinarian means his approach to chiropractics takes into account the horse as a whole, and he is a fountain of knowledge we are eternally grateful to be able to sample from.



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